Largest Mercedes-Benz sales partner in Portugal
washes with Christ-EVOLUTION
Not only is the MERCEDES SOCIEDADE COMERCIAL C. Santos sales partner in Porto one of the largest Mercedes-Benz branches in Portugal, as a special highlight it offers its customers a high-end car wash. You wash your new and used vehicles as well as customer vehicles that come for service in your own Christ-EVOLUTION wash tunnel.
Of course, at the beginning there were still some doubts about whether an investment of this size would be justified as the washing of their vehicles was previously offered free of charge to their customers. Thanks to the intensive support of our business partner EquiWash in Portugal as well as a factory visit to our headquarters, it was clear to our customer that Otto Christ AG is the ideal partner for this huge project. Just one month after commissioning, all concerns were completely swept away.
The feedback from Mercedes customers was so overwhelmingly positive that they are even willing to pay for the car wash service. The car dealership now offers a variety of washing programs.
Bekir Aydemir, Area Sales Manager
Maricic, Marko, Int. Sales Director
Otto Christ AG - The Real Car Wash Factory
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