The Christ Group´s Corporate Policy and vision
The CHRIST vision is our goal: "Living the future together with joy". Experienced by people for people. The vision of the CHRIST Group builds on these values! This drives us all to get better. The vision expresses what we and our employees stand for in the future.
Our corporate policy on health, safety, quality, environmental protection and energy management.
Everyone who works for us is responsible for the successful implementation of the company policy. A good performance in these areas is crucial to the success of the company. Our goals can be clearly and simply formulated: no accidents, no harm to people and property, highest quality-awareness, no harm to the environment and the continuous reduction of energy consumption and associated C02 emissions.
To this end, we are committed:
- to create safe and healthy working conditions.
- to eliminate accidents and environmental incidents.
- to reduce waste, waste water and emissions on our facilities.
- to measure the energy consumption, the use of energy and the energy efficiency of our
- processes and activities continuously in order that we can plan and implement energy-saving measures.
- to manufacture quality products that can be used safely by our customers.
- to regularly assess and ensure that the security risks with which we are confronted are handled professionally.
- to consult with our customers, neighbours and public interest groups and to listen and respond openly to their concerns.
- toset goals and explain our performances and results clearly.
- to provide the necessary resources and information in order to achieve our operational and strategic objectives.
- to work together with our employees, partners, suppliers, competitors and legislative authorities in order to improve our objectives.
- to pay recognition to those who help us to improve our corporate goals.
- to continuously improve our management processes and products.
With this commitment we profess to comply with the laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate.